Lopez CSR: Environment
Communities Depend on Mangroves, Vice Versa

- Lopez Group Foundation
Wildlife Treasures

- Frances Ariola
EDC bags Asian Award on Carbon Disclosure Reporting

- Myrna M. Velasco; Manila Bulletin
EDC Donates 5,000 BINHI Seedlings to Sorsogon

- Frances Ariola, LopezLink
First Gen Intensifies Call on Firms toward GDP-to-CO2 Decoupling

- Myrna M. Velasco
Reframing the Convos on Climate

- Lopez Group Foundation
Meditation Place now Home to BINHI Endangered Native Trees

- Lopez Group Foundation
OML Center presents Analysis of Climate Responsiveness of DENR Programs

- Lopez Group Foundation
Will Negros Island or Leyte be the First in the Country to be 100% powered by RE?

- Lopez Group Foundation
2nd OML Legacy Lectures: Private Climate Innovation is “Hidden in Plain Sight”

- Lopez Group Foundation
PH Companies Urged to adopt Climate Change Solutions

- Lopez Group Foundation
EDC’s 11th Arboretum takes root in Cebu

- Frances Ariola
Malasimbo at La Mesa Ecopark

- Carissa Joyce Reyno
Energy Development Corporation wins Quill Awards for Environmental Advocacies

- Lopez Group Foundation
Bantay Baterya: Giving New Life to Old Batteries

- Dulce Festin-Baybay
EDC’s BINHI wins at First LCF CSR Guild Awards

- Lopez Group Foundation
The Green and Sustainable Powers of EDC

- Aliyya Sawadjaan
EDC Employees participated in BINHI Day and Environment Month

- Lopez Group Foundation
Bantay Kalikasan and the CFMC Provide Assistance to the Damsite Child Development Center

- Jen Deomano Santos and Marlon Tamsi
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